Bitwig Studio 2.4 is out now. Huzzah!
Release Notes for Bitwig Studio 2.4
System Requirements
- Windows - Windows 7, 8, or 10 (all in 64-bit)
- Mac - macOS 10.11 ("El Capitan") or above
- Linux - Ubuntu 17.04 or later
What's New in Bitwig Studio 2.4 [released 12 Sept 2018]
New features
- Sampler overhaul (see section below)
- Program-wide MIDI channel support (see section below)
- New device: Note FX Layer, for stacking note effects as parallel layers
- New device: Channel Filter, for suppressing select MIDI channels
- New device: Channel Map, for remapping select MIDI channels
- New modulator: ParSeq-8, a unique parameter step sequencer
- New modulator: Note Counter, an incrementer for creating swirling modulation patterns
- Tracks can be horizontally resized in the Mix View
- Scenes can be horizontally resized in the Arrange View
- Scenes can be colored
- Global controller takeover modes, to set how hardware controllers and software parameters interact
- On-screen controller visualizations of takeover status, showing the current bank of controls with their parameter values
- Interaction-based hints, displaying all currently available mouse actions
- New Quick Start templates in the Dashboard
- Modulation mappings can now be copied/pasted by various methods
- Updated device: Bit-8 now has new quantization modes, additional parameters, and an optimized layout
- Updated device: HW Instrument now has an MPE mode that outputs note expressions as MIDI channel voice messages and dynamically allocates MIDI channels, if appropriate
- Updated modulator: Steps now has ping-pong looping and pattern generation/processing functions (available via right-click)
- Controller Scripting API now supports USB device detection and communication
- Controller Scripting API now offers graphics API (for passing bitmap data to controllers)
- Added controller support for Novation Launchkey MK2, Launch Control XL, and Launchkey Mini
- Added controller support for Sensel Morph
- Added controller support for MIDIPLUS X2mini, X3mini, X4mini, X6mini, X6pro, and X6pro
- Added controller support for Vault Apex 25, Apex 49, and Apex 61
- Various writings systems are now displayed properly, including: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Cham, Cherokee, Chinese, Devanagari, Georgian, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Runic, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai
- Updated user guide for version 2.4
Sampler overhaul
- Repitch playback mode, for traditional sampling
- Cycles playback mode, using wavetable techniques
- Textures playback mode, using granular techniques
- Freeze option (❄︎) for manually controlling the playhead in any playback mode
- Visual crossfade looping
- Ping-pong looping mode
- One-shot envelope mode now has fade-in and -out controls
- Keyboard tracking can be turned on or off, or set as a percentage
- Detect root key function (from right-click menu) detects sample pitch from the start of the loop region
- Editing playback and loop points snaps to zero crossings by default
- Each Sampler device can load its audio in RAM or play it back from disk
- Updated multisample interface now with a detail view, showing note ranges along with velocity/select ranges for each zone
- Select parameter (*) controls what zones are played at note on
- Zones can crossfade with other zones based on key, velocity, and/or the Select parameter
- Three per-zone modulation sources are available, with modulation amounts set in each zone
- Groups can be created for managing zones
- Round-robin option per zone, to only trigger one matching zone at a time
Program-wide MIDI channel support
- Each track has settings for the incoming MIDI channel(s) it responds to and which channel(s) it writes to
- Layers (such as in the Instrument Layer device) have channel options as well, supporting multitimbral tracks
- Each note stores which channel it plays back on
- MIDI automation lanes are defined by channel
- Layered editing mode can work by channel, with various view/edit options
- Detail Editor Panel provides various note color options, including by clip, by MIDI channel, by pitch class, and by velocity
- The tool menu in the Detail Editor Panel contains an Insert Channel setting as the destination for new notes
- Better anti-click fading for audio Launcher clips
- Default anti-click fade time is now set in seconds instead of beats
- Automatic fades for audio clips and events are now applied in additional editing cases
- Last used velocity is applied when drawing a new note
- Linear velocity ramps by can be created by alt-clicking (and then clicking/dragging again adds curvature)
- EQ band-type can now be changed in the GUI by right-clicking
- Right-clicking a modulation source allows you to change its modulation amount(s) from the context menu
- Right-clicking in an empty modulator slot now targets the modulator slot
- Nested device chain channels have a smaller width in the Mixer Panel
- Modulation sources are now sorted in the Inspector Panel
- Browser items can now be added to a collection via the context menu
- Now supports drag and drop of a sample filename from Sampler to the Arranger or Launcher, etc.
- Enhanced device logic for note channels information (Note Echo and Note Latch)
- Expressions modulator now has a smoothing option (was always on before)
- LFO, Steps, and ParSeq-8 now follow the pitch bend when set to track the pitch
- Polysynth device’s glide is consistent across different audio interface settings
- Arpeggiator device now holds keys with the sustain pedal (MIDI CC64)
- The Button and Buttons modulators now show their modulation routing button in the Remote Controls pane
- Steps modulator can copy/paste patterns from/to other instances of Steps
- Steps modulator has better visuals when minimized
- Extended filter range in Phase-4 and Polysynth to match Sampler
- Voice settings have moved to device inspector for several instruments (FM-4, Organ, Phase-4, Polysynth, Sampler)
- Pitch bend range used in MPE for plug-ins can now be set in the Device Inspector
- Text editing of parameters is now more robust (only selecting editable values)
- Added unselect-all command to Edit menu, with escape key as premapped shortcut
- Note FX Layer now uses larger LEDs
- Open file starts from the current project directory, or from the standard project directory if the dashboard is shown
- Demos and templates are now under Quick Start in the Dashboard
- Demos and templates can now install required packs automatically
- Improved tooltip display logic
- Added pitch-bend range setting to LinnStrument controller extension
- Updated support for Nektar controllers
- Fix bugs in Clip.scrollKeysPageUp/Down via controller API
- It was possible to sometimes get clip contents scrolled out of view on the clip launcher if a project was saved on a hi res monitor and then opened on a low res one
- Step modulator has an offset of 1 when using note advance and smooting
- Error playing back .multisample files which had non-ASCII filenames inside them
- There was no inspector on the second display of the "Dual Display (Studio)" layout
- Fixed certain ASIO input formats
- Corrected note playback behavior for non-overdubbed arranger recording
- Content of looped Audio Clips in Launcher should not be doubled, when using Bounce in Place on them
- Transport.fastForward() and Transport.rewind() did not do anything when the transport was playing
- Devices/modulators with any source routing selected (sidechain, etc) will now never go to sleep
- E-Hat amplitude fluctuated with certain attack/decay settings
- It was possible to get the application into a state where the dashboard could never be shown again
- Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKONTROL2 on Mac and Linux
- Preserve note-channel (whenever possible) for notes sent to VSTs with the "Use MPE" setting enabled
- Clips visualized on Maschine JAM don't get turned off when deleting them
- Creating a new project before the audio engine has finished connecting to the existing project could get the application into a state where the engine could not connect to the new project
- Marian Seraph ASIO driver didn't work
- Crossfade to next clip gets replaced by fade out when cutting clip using knife tool
- Delay-2: audio cuts out if Delay time goes below 0ms due to Detune
- Crash when switching between different controller extensions using the drop-down when ports where already selected
- Use MPE setting can now be turned off even for plug-ins which are automatically detected as supporting MPE
- When connecting an engine to a project that has some parameter automation manually overridden the engine would still play back the automation even though it shouldn't
- Selecting notes via alt+left/right keys sometimes does not work when note editor is in clip mode
- Beat markers created by dragging a ghost marker at the end of the sample sometimes jump to an invalid location
- Reversing a looped clip sometimes moves the start marker when it should not, or result in a non-looped clip
- Stretch tool might snap to timeline grid with an incorrect offset
- Deleting a modulation mapping from the source context menu did not remove it in the context menu but did delete the mapping
- On 4k monitors the minimum width of the scrollbar in the arranger could get too small to be of much use
- Remote controls panel layout would get broken if a page had a very long name
- File dialog on Linux may sometimes open behind the application window and show the file dialog as a separate application in the taskbar
- Modulation copy/paste allows to make modulators modulate themselves
- Device remote controls open/closed state would not be restored correctly when dragging a preset to the empty track area to create a new track
- Issue with controller scripts using both MPE and a note-translation map
- When playing two notes of the same pitch using MPE controllers, releasing either note would stop both notes from playing
- Send RPN 6 to plug-ins when "Use MPE" is enabled (or auto-detected).
- Excessive CPU load for note-inputs of controllers
- Sustain pedal CC64 does not return to 0 when stopping transport
- Steep automation curves are not being read under certain conditions
- Jump to play position in clip has offset if clip start is not at 1.1.1
- Dropping samples on the zone list header now maps the whole key-range
- Don't use AltGr modifier during drag and drop on Mac as this key is not present
- Clip color indicator for group scenes does not redraw when changing clip colors
- Drag-and-drop on windows didn't work for some sources
- Takeover modes sometimes not working correctly
- Possible to lock the application up in multi display profile by editing shortcuts and not providing a valid name for the shortcuts and closing the dashboard
- When browsing for devices and presets for the first device with a mix parameter in an effect track using the popup browser make sure to set the mix parameter to full wet
- Application could end up not being able to quit if it was closing and asking user about saving a project and user changed display profile before responding to the question
- EQ-5 lowpass4 was called "2 poles" instead of "4 poles"
- Sometimes notes get recorded one bar further than you actually play them in clip launcher
- Beat LFO could go wonky gonky bonky at high transport beat time
- Polynom modulators are all called "Out" in Inspector and context menus
- Hold pedal automation was sent with the transport stopped when setting the transport position
- APC40 MKII: the knob's ring might not be properly initialized
- On certain Linux system, Bitwig Studio did not start because of missing
- Polysynth glide might sound steppy when playing with large buffer size
- Improved oscillator retrigger in Polysynth
- Legato glide's pitch might jump under certain conditions
- Crash when toggling pre-fader in the inspector of an FX track
- Control Surface API: crossfade enum got broken ("Off" instead of "AB")
- Moving clips while playing could make the sequencer out-of-time
- Text editing of integer fields was annoying if the display had a pre or post-fix
- Note counter modulator does not update gfx (0/5) when being used in monophonic device
- Remote controls: button modulator name was not properly shown
- Engine crash when using Note Counter Modulator on a Monophonic device like E-Kick
- Possible to scroll the key zone out of screen using the bottom scroll bar in the multisample editor
- Launch Control XL auto-detection for firmware older than 1.2 is not working
- Launch Control XL: device LEDs not painting correctly
- Crash when dropping clip on note editor piano keyboard
- Crash when dropping sample on empty device list area of a track in mix view
- Maschine JAM version 0.6 by Native Instruments crashed
- Right-click on a Track Group Slot from the mixer view does nothing
- Stop the modulation mapping if a modulation source gets disabled
- Sampler - Reverse mode calculates offset play start/end off of sample start (instead of sample end)
- Multisample editor: some parameter values are not mirrored between GUI and Zone Inspector
- Channel list should not be visible in layered note editor when editing audio
- Remote controls should show the parameter value as provided by the plug-in instead of a 0..1 range
- Fixed auto detection of Akai MPK25, Akai MPK49 on Windows and macOS
- Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKontrol2 on macOS
- It was possible to get launcher clips out-of-sync with the transport if the transport was started as a result of launching the clips
- Crash when performing undo after slice to drum machine
- File open dialog starts in temporary folder for a new project or the templates folder if it was created from a template
- When dragging a clip to the track above in the clip launcher it easily lands in the slot to the right
- Wrong arranger playback start position when double-clicking into note editor timeline ruler
- Notes sometimes get pasted multiple times
- Not possible to move an automation segment by using cmd-drag in clip automation editor
- Shift-clicking on notes to select a range of notes does not behave as expected
- Cryptic device type text in Browser side panel
- Channel aftertouch did not get recorded anymore
- Pitch-bend automation was recorded wrong
- Steps modulator in transport mode did not start if device chain was not in focus
- Should not be possible to drag expression nodes beyond note end.
- Copy devices modifier was not shown when dragging clips to new tracks
- Copy modifier was not shown when dragging remote control pages
- Setting crossFadeMode of a track via API does not work
- Recording of audio clips in the clip-launcher finished too early when stopped by launching a clip (including itself)
- Flowing layouts were line-breaking too early
- Paste at the start of device chain was broken.
- It was possible to get two audio clips playing at the same time on the same track
- Elastique Pro formant resolution parameter only worked for every second audio event
- Cross-fade between launcher clips added a slight offset to automation
- Issue with polynom display
- Loops were not read for some SFZ files which didn't follow spec
- Crash when reading metadata from some SFZ files
- Plug-in parameter value text is not updated